Phil's SCSA Newsletter News items to Click here
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with paragraphs but no carriage returns. June 16-17 Weston Park Model Show June 23-24 BMFA Mid West Area Scale
and Vintage Fly In Video, have look at this video, the
camera is fitted into a lightweight model and the direction is
controlled by a headset via a gyro. It shows a flight over a golf
course and includes a description of the setup. THAMES VALLEY MODEL AIR
SHOW on Saturday 19th May.
Photo Paul's Flair
Sunday at Selsley, a good morning, a light northerly
and plenty of thermals Peter side arm launching his Highlight Doug's Elipsoid Andy doing a low pass for the camera Paul's multiplex Easy Glider
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Weston Park, Weston under Lizard. West Midlands Nr M54, J3 or M6
J12. Extensive Camping. Contact Steve Bishop on 01952 587298 or
07961 864415 or
or see
David Prosser Memorial Trophy. Camping Available. Charlton
Park, Nr Malmesbury, Wiltshire. Contact Robin Jones on 01451
830422 (Day) or 01608 737919 (Eve)
Wednesday at Frocester, a dull cold evening but the
lift was OK