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Gloucester MFC

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Please send photos in full resolution  as Jpegs with minimum compression and no adjustments, text is best with paragraphs but no carriage returns. 


 18th-20th May 2007 G-VFWE 2007, now believed to be Europe's largest flying event for vintage & classic aircraft, will be held at Hullavington Airfield over . For details, please visit the new website at

12th - May Severn Valley Aerotow send a personal message from the forum to Chris Morrison or call him on 07811826267. Right click to download these event notes and directions

13th - Shropshire Aerotow see forum thread. Further information from organiser Elliot Howells

May 19-20 BMFA Salisbury Plain Free Flight Trimming
All F/F Classes. Essential to Contact Bernard Aslett at 25, Honeyhill, Wooton Basset, Swindon, SN4 7DX to pay fees and get on Army security list, and Always Contact Peter Tribe on 01225 862748, Friday before travelling

June 16-17 Weston Park  Model Show
Weston Park, Weston under Lizard. West Midlands Nr M54, J3 or M6 J12. Extensive Camping. Contact Steve Bishop on 01952 587298 or 07961 864415 or or see

June 23-24 BMFA Mid West Area Scale and Vintage Fly In
David Prosser Memorial Trophy. Camping Available. Charlton Park, Nr Malmesbury, Wiltshire. Contact Robin Jones on 01451 830422 (Day) or 01608 737919 (Eve)

The weather
Trythis movie, it shows wind and temperature for the next three days  it is 6megs and runs in windows media player and is compressed with DivX




larger image

larger image      in flight

Hi Phil,


Have you missed me?  well I guess not.
I have been concentrating on other things just lately and as you will probably have realised model flying has taken a bit of a back seat.  I still manage to keep my hand in albeit at odd times and whilst away in the motor home.  So this is a round about way of saying that I have a couple of models to offer that are just going to deteriorate and should be up in the air flying and not in my dusty study. 

Reluctantly the first one up is my superb ASK 8b.  As you know this is a wooden model and would not fare to well being put in the attic.  It is with quite deal of heart wrenching that I have decided to part with the model but I keep telling myself it's for the best. 

So what do you get: 

1/4 scale built from the Flair Kit.

All servo's fitted, inc aero tow.

7 Channel Multiplex IPD receiver

2x 5cell NiMih batteries

Battery Fail safe device

Solartex covered with Solar Loc paint job of a Swiss example.

Plans and scale doc's etc

Just Charge batteries, plug the xtal in and go fly. 

This model flies and handles beautifully, majestic comes to mind, has the sit and elegance of the full size version. 

I would like to realise £350 for the model but to a SCSA member I will be willing to haggle (not far though!). 

X Models Whisper. 

2 Metre span, flapped version

All servos, battery and 7 chan receiver.

Ready to go.


I have attached a couple of photo's for you. 

If I don't get any interest from the club on the K8 I will be advertising on the Soaring UK website in the near future so see what you can do. 

Contact details;  01453 521427,  07887485861 

All the best, Paul


Computer nerd bit
Below is an image of Selsley from Google earth, one useful feature is the co-ordinates at the bottom. To view these images you need to download a small program from 

The Hawthorn (Crataegus mongyna), Whitethorn, Haegthorn, Quickthorn or May Tree, is one of the most wild, enchanted and sacred of our native trees. Known as the "faerie tree", this beautiful, often gnarled, thorny little tree can live to a great age, and can be found growing in the wildest and harshest of spots. It grows all over Europe, Greece, North Africa and Western Asia and is rich in folklore and legend.

Even growing in a town, the Hawthorn retains the spirit of the wild, and some town Hawthorn hedges have probably been there for hundreds of years - long before the town built up around them. The beauty of this tree in full blossom touches all our hearts and holds a special place in our affections.

Photo Pete Wolf

Friday at Selsley, the wind was between north and north east and did not give good lift but it was possible to fly by using the small bowl in the direction of the church.

Photo Andy's Calypso 

Nick's Alpina

Tim's Highlight

Saturday started well with some smooth thermal lift, but went very lumpy as the wind swung westerly and finally gave some good slope lift at Selsley's west facing slope

Bryan's ASW27 landing at Frocester

Mike's Spitfire

Sunday at Frocester started with mist and drizzle later the sun came out and the lift got very strong.